Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My New Year's Resolutions

I thought I would take this moment to compile a list of my resolutions for 2009. Hopefully I can actually cross some things off this year.

- Orginize my house
- Downsize, get rid of things I don't need
- Keep the inside of my car clean
- Take my dogs for more walks, more often
- Lose weight, blah blah blah
- Stay in better touch with family
- Try not to shop too much, save my money
- Go hiking, 4 wheeling, and fossil hunting with Matt more
- Get new mountain bikes and do more biking
- Finish our basement
- Take a minute to stop and smell the roses
- Marry Matt
- Go on wonderful honeymoon somewhere


Becky Thompson said...

That's a really long list, Lisa! I'd have to pick one and give it my best shot.

Ruthie said...

Well Good luck! Marrying matt will be easy! But I don't know about keeping your car clean! lol =)