Today I was out in the shed gathering up our Christmas decorations, but it was 65 degrees out! I felt like I should be planting flowers, listening to the robins sing, or mowing the lawn. But it is December 7th, and it's time to get out all the exciting Christmas stuff. I love looking through all of our stuff, I just don't like putting it all up! But lucky for me it was a beautiful evening, and Matt helped me out. He never really likes decorating the house, he's more about just doing the inside, but I love going all out on the outside. So tonight he actually hung the icicle lights on the front of the house.

I have wanted to do that for 4 years! So he hung up those and I decorated the front porch with some garland and bows. Our house is so adorable when it's all decked out. Then we have these snowflake lights that fade in and out and we hung those along our fence line.

The house looks rather festive I must say. Then we were done outside and decided why stop there tonight, and we went ahead and got the tree all up. It's so cute, Matt found a set of bubble lights and put those on the tree. I never had bubble lights growing up, but they are pretty darn cool. It's always fun to get the Christmas tree out. It's like this moment in time where the house feels so warm and Matt and I are helping each other decorate the tree with lights and ornaments. We have this ornament on our tree that says "Our First Christmas Together - 2002" That was the first year we shared a Christmas together at our old place on Cedar Street. How fun to sit back and look at the memories we have created together. There will be an ornament added next year, Newlyweds 2009! Can't wait to pick that one out! After the tree was finished I wanted to try and get a picture of my dogs in front of it. Like children ya know! That was a disaster. I did end up getting this funny picture.

So then I topped off the evening by making some gingerbread cookies (from a packaged roll, ha) and now the house smells of gingerbread. What a wonderful evening.
You are just a kick, Lisa! I have so much fun reading your posts!!!! Matthew always had fun when we'd get our tree up--we put the blue lights on it just because that's what he wanted! Your house looks great and the tree does too. Bubble lights are cool. My cat Beau always slept under our tree, but Luke doesn't seem to be drawn to it. Anyway, I loved your story. Thanks for sharing!!!!
awww it looks really cute! I love it!! Now come help me!
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