I knew Matt had liked me, cause we had this inside joke at work, that he was my work husband and I was his work wife.
So we dated for awhile in December. I remember Matt asking me what I wanted for Christmas. He didn't expect me to say "A German Shepherd!" And I didn't expect him to get me one! Matt had just got back from Christmas with his family and he called me and told me to come over so that I could open my gifts. I got to his house and knocked on the door. He freaked out and told me to go around the corner really quick so I couldn't see in. When I was able to come in he told me to hurry up and open the box. It had a big red bow on it.
A week or so later, Matt had brought up the idea of moving back down to Canon City. He had come to Ft. Collins to be with his x-girlfriend Sarah, and wanted to be back down with his family. I was a little concerned things were moving quickly, but I didn't want to loose Matt. So I agreed to move to Canon City with him. We found an apartment in Canon City on Main Street. We had no furniture and no jobs, but we didn't care. Matt quickly got a job about a week later for some home remodel place. I applied everywhere, but no one called me or anything!.
Three months later I received an email from Matt. It was like all the sudden he wanted to talk to me again. I bawled and bawled, and read his letter 100 times. I wanted to be strong and ignore his letters. After everything he had done or said to me, why should I give him the time of day? But something inside me was so excited to see him. I wanted to be his girl again, and be with him. He was working for a company that would stay at hotels in Denver for the weekends. So every Friday night I would drive down there and we would eat dinner at Denny's.
Matt eventually moved in with his friend Dan in Colorado Springs. It made it easier for us to see each other on the weekend, and saved us a lot of money in hotel bills! On February 14th, 2002, I had just spent Valentines Day with Matt. We made a dinner together and watched movies. I remember telling Matt, "Awww, I wanted to go back to Loveland with a ring on my finger!" He smiled and said, "I will be right back!" He came back with a little ring, a blue heart stone in it. It was cute! He asked me marry him right there. And I said "Yes!" We were engaged!!
It was probably around March '02 we decided to get an apartment in Colorado Springs. I was so excited our life was moving forward. We found a nice place with a gorgeous view of Colorado Springs.
In September we moved into a little rental house on Cedar Street. We were so excited to have a little house. Our landlord let us pretty much do anything. So we painted etc. Tried to make it ours.
We found a cute little place on St Vrain St. We looked at it on

You're probably wondering, if Matt and I were engaged so many years ago, why is just now we are talking about marriage. Matt had some things come up in 2002, that I don't really want to talk about, because to me it doesn't change the person I think Matt is or who he will be. So they are not worth talking about. But basically the engagement never felt official, if that makes sense. And with some things going on his life, he wasn't sure for awhile what he really wanted to do. So it wasn't until this year, Matt and I decided it was time we got married. We have been through so much in our short years and we deserve to be with each other. Matt appreciates everything I have done for him in the past, I have been there for him thick and thin. I have stood next to him in times where most women would walk away. Maybe it takes someone like me to be there for someone like Matt. I am not out to make Matt look like the bad guy. Matt is one of the most caring and compassionate men I have ever met. And I think it took everything I have been through to finally see that side of him. I hear from people that it takes Matt awhile to finally let someone into his life. I honestly think, it wasn't until the last 2-3 years I have fully felt loved by Matt. He has finally let me fully into his heart. He knows I'm not going anywhere, as long as he isn't.
Time has flown by here on St Vrain St. We have spent Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays and Anniversaries in this home. We watch the snow fall outside our window and we listen to the rain. We play in the sun, and rake leaves in the fall. There are so many memories wrapped up in this little house. Today is the last time we will celebrate 12/9 as our anniversary. It has for so long been the day we take aside for each other. But next year and every year after we will have a formal date to celebrate. A day we said "I Do!"
I found this little note in the notes Matt and I used to write back and forth at Petsmart. I thought it was funny that he wrote that. Maybe he could tell the future?

1 comment:
Lisa, I posted a comment early this morning. I wonder what happened to it. It was fun reading in more detail about your "blossoming" relationship. I see some things in Matt that he obviously inherited from his Dad. All good things, of course! Good post!
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