And to make the stress worse. Matt does heating and cooling for a company here in town called Parkey's. Anyways, his boss scheduled two of the service techs off this whole next week. And it was going to be Matt and one other guy, but that guy retired on Thursday. So Matt will be the only tech from Sunday 21st - Sunday 28th. To make it worse, he will be on call all day and all night. So Christmas Eve is up in the air, and Christmas day we are having my family down and I will be hosting my first Christmas dinner etc. I am so hoping Matt isn't swamped with calls, it will just ruin his holiday.
On a happier note. I got my Uncle Mark's Christmas card, and found out that my cousin Levi had his first baby. It was a baby girl Dec 7, 2008 and her name is Abigail Caroline Lamfers. What a beautiful baby she is. He's excited!! And so am I. I guess that would make Abigail my second cousin?

awwwww new babies are so much fun!! Poor Matthew, don't feel bad we go through that every year! Brandon had to work nights last christmas, with all the staying up he did just to have some what of a holiday, he was sicker than a dog christmas morning. Hang in there
Abigail is your first cousin once removed since you and her dad are first cousins. YOUR kids and Abigail would be second cousins.
Snce you won't be down on Wed I'll put your calendar in the mail tomorrow.
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