In the year 1982 this is what things costed:
A loaf of bread: .55 cents
A pack of cigarettes: .85 cents
Cost of a gallon of Gas: .91 cents
Cost of a first-class stamp: .20 cents
Average Cost of new house: $82,200.00
New Car Average price: $7,983.00
A new Apple Computer: $1298
I have seen 5 Presidents:
Reagan, Bush Senior, Clinton, Bush Junior, Obama
This is what I have seen since I was born:
1982 - MS-DOS first licensed
1982 - The word "Internet" appears
1982 - Liposuction introduced
1983 - Sally K. Ride, 32, first US woman astronaut in space as a crew member aboard space shuttle Challenger
1983 - The introduction of the CD, vinal record sales decline.
1984 - The first Apple Macintosh goes on sale.
1985 - The launch of Bill Gates first operating systems, Windows 3.1
1986 - The Nintendo debuts, launching the video game empire.
1989 - Death of Lucille Ball
1990 - The Hubble Space Telescope is launched
1990 - The Berlin Wall comes down
1992 - The LA Riot
1993 - A 13-year-old Los Angeles boy accuses Michael Jackson of fondling him
1993 - First humans cloned.
1993 - Waco, TX massacre
1994 - Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan attacked.
1994 - OJ Simpson accused of killing his wife.
1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing.
1995 - OJ Simpson, not guilty.
1996 - Introduction of HDTV
1996 - Approximately 45 million people are using the Internet.
1996 - Scientists analyzing a Martian meteorite claim that it may provide evidence for the existence of ancient life on Mars
1996 - Dr. Ian Wilmut and his team clone the world's first sheep from adult cells. The lamb born in July 1996 is named Dolly.
1996 - JonBenet Ramsey is killed in her home on Christmas eve.
1997 - The movie "Titanic"
1997 - Comet Hale-Bopp is the closest it will ever be to Earth until 4397
1997 - US spacecraft begins exploration of Mars
1997 - Princess Diana dies in car accident.
1997 - The launch of the World Wide Web.
1998 - President accused in White House sex scandal; denies allegations of affair with White House intern, Monica Lewinsky
1998 - The Athena probe finds frozen water on moon
1998 - The FDA approves the male impotence drug Viagra
1998 - 77-year-old Senator John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth
1999 - The world awaits the consequences of the Y2K bug
1999 - Shooting at Columbine Highschool in Littleton, CO
1999 - The number of Internet users worldwide reaches 150 million by the beginning of 1999
2000 - Cuban boy Elián González, crosses waters into America
2000 - NEAR spacecraft becomes first to orbit an asteroid
2001 - Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh executed
2001 - Terrorists attack United States. Hijackers ram jetliners into twin towers of New York City's World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A fourth hijacked plane crashes 80 mi outside of Pittsburgh (Sept. 11). Toll of dead and injured in thousands. Within days, Islamic militant Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda terrorist network are identified as the parties behind the attacks.
2001 - Artificial heart implanted in man
2002 - Pennsylvania miners rescued after spending 77 hours in a dark, flooded mine shaft
2002 -Snipers prey upon DC suburbs, killing ten and wounding others (Oct. 2–24). Police arrest two sniper suspects, John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo
2003 - Saddam Hussein is captured by American troops
2003 - Space shuttle Columbia explodes, killing all 7 astronauts
2003 - Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger elected California governer.
2003 - The Hubble telescope has detected the oldest known planet, Nicknamed Methuselah after the aged biblical patriarch, the planet is an astonishing 12.7 billion years old
2004 - Gay marriages begin in Massachusetts
2004 - Martha Stewart, diva of domesticity, was sentenced to five months in prison in July after being found guilty on four counts of obstruction of justice and lying to federal investigators.
2004 - Janet Jackson has wardrobe malfuntion during Superbowl
2004 - American Idol remained one of the top-rated shows on television
2005 - Pope John Paul II Dies
2005 - Hurricane Katrina wreaks catastrophic damage on the Gulf coast
2005 - Number of deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq reaches 2,000
2005 - Cancer replaces heart disease as No. 1 cause of death for people ages 85 and under
2006 - John Mark Karr admits killing Jon Benet Ramsey, but is he telling the truth?
2006 - Saddam Hussein is convicted of crimes against humanity by an Iraqi court, and hung.
2008 - Markets Plunge Around the World
2008 - First black president, Barak Obama

1 comment:
Holy Hell your old! hahaha. Just think someday your grand kids will ask you about all this stuff. You better print out your list.
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