So last night I was surfing the net, and I had read several times about a web page that my soon to be mother in law, Becky, goes to a lot called You can type in a name and it tells you birth, death, burial location etc. So I typed in Matt's Grandpa, Lafayette Jamison. So it pulled up all his information, there was a picture of the tombstone where he is buried with his wife Irene, and some pictures of them together.
But when I hear the name Lafayette Jamison, so many good things come to mind. I swear there is not a day that goes by Matt doesn't mention something about him..

What an honorable man Lafayette was. Or as Matt calls him, Pappap. I never had the honor of meeting Pappap, but I wish everyday that I could have. Matt talks about Pappap's days in war, flying his B-17 "Little Gizmo" over Germany in World War 2, and dropping paratroopers. Be flew 25 (I think) missions without a scratch. Matt takes me to Dairy Queen for ice cream all the time, and he always stops to say, "Pappap used to take me here." Matt laughs when he tells me the story about Pappap twiddling Wrigley's wrappers into nails and making smiley faces in his ice cream cones. We drive by the house they used to live and Matt is rushed with a million more memories. It's sad to think of how close Matt is to his Grandpa and now that he has passed away all Matt has left to share with me is memories. I know how bad Matt wishes I could have met Pappap. What awesome Grandparents Matt had. No wonder Matt is the person he is today, he had such amazing Grandparents and even more amazing parents.
I was never really close to my grandparents and now that they are gone, I wish more and more I could have known more about them. I remember at their funeral I learned more about them then I had in the 20 years I was alive. To hear Matt speak of his Pappap makes me urn for that connection with my grandparents. So when we visit Pappap's grave, I morn for him. Then I feel this warm calming feeling, like I can morn for my grandparents from there. Since my grandparents are buried in Nebraska and Arizona, I can make my connection through Pappap.
So I feel even though Pappap is not here, I have this feeling that I need to earn the name Jamison. Soon I will be Lisa Jamison, my children will be direct descendants of Lafayette Richard Jamison. I know Matt will be telling our children stories of their Great Grandpa day after day. I thank you Matt for telling me the things you do, and I know our children will too. Matt you should be so proud to have Pappap as your Grandpa. And to be a Jamison, would be livin' life High on the Hog!!
You can't know, Lisa, how this story made me feel. I know that Matthew really loved his Grandparents and has a very special place in his heart for his grandfather. I'll say that all the positive things that you hear about my Dad are true. He was a wonderful man. Thank you very much for this story.--Larry Jamison
Very nice post, Lisa! I discovered now what it takes to get Larry to read a blog---write about HIS family! He won't read my blog I guess because I write about my own family!
You did a good job on this story!
Love to you: soon-to-be Mrs. Matt JAMISON!!
Wow Lisa I love you so much!! This makes me cry to think you are honored to be a Jamison. I have felt the same way all my life and no one could relate to me! It's not just the name cause well it's pretty cool, but the people behind that name is what makes all those feelings of family and love and tingelys all over your body! I really wish you could've meet Pappap too he would've love you. And most likely would have tried to shoot you from the fake guns he had at his hips while making clicking noises with his mouth! Well I hope you enjoy being a Jamison, even thought my last name has changed I'll ALWAYS be one too!
Love ya
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