I have a loving family, a mother who still looks out for me and worries if I'm doing the right thing. She's my best friend. A father who still sees me as his little girl, wants the best for me and always cheers me up. A big brother who would stop the world for me if he had to, and a little brother who's always there to make me laugh.
I have Matt's family, they are such wonderful people. I couldn't ask for a better family to be brought into. It may be just a last name that makes me a part of their family, but to me the way I feel when I am around them. I feel so welcome and loved. I never thought another family could make me feel that way. It's so great to share that with them.
I have 3 beautiful healthy dogs that are the world to me. Indy, Cloey and Vinny. Indy or Bug as I call him, is my protector, and lover, he's always looking out for us and making sure we are ok.
I have a roof over my head. I have a beautiful home that Matt and I have created together. We have torn down walls, painted walls, replaced, extended, redone everything in this house and now it's "ours". We may share it with a few ghosts, but they never give us any greif about paint colors. My house is here everyday waiting for me when I get home. Warm and cozy, just the way we made it.
I have a job. Some people these days can't say they have a job. It may not be a fancy job. I work at a trash company for god sakes! But you know what, I have a wonderful boss, awesome coworkers, and the pay ain't that bad either!
I have a ring on my finger from the love of my life. It's a diamond we picked out together. A diamond that means he will forever be mine. He will stand by me through the good and bad. He will be there for our children, he will be there for me. He supports me in everything I do or want to do.
Today was insipired by the Thanksgiving snow. It's snowing tonight, the first time this season it has actually collected on the ground. It sure set the mood for the holiday.